CV Advice
The importance of a well structured, informative and concise CV cannot be overstated. It is the principal marketing tool in every recruitment scenario, the key to unlocking the door.
At Lipson Lloyd-Jones, we take pains to ensure that every one of our CVs represents our candidates in the best possible light without resorting to fluff or hyperbole. Inaccuracies or misrepresentations are anathema, a sure way to throw you off your game if challenged at interview.
Ideally, your own CV should contain the following details which, together with the information and insights we will glean from our discussions with you, will enable us to draft this crucial document for presentation to our clients.
- Personal details - name, address, nationality, hobbies, interests.
- Education details and qualifications - dates at named secondary schools & and university. Don't list every GCSE grade; simply state how many were passed at A to C. List ‘A’ Level subjects and grades. Likewise, your degree(s). Detail the CPE/LPC/BVC/LLM etc, again with dates and any grades.
- Employment history - most recent firm/role first, then workbackwards. Use 'no-fuss' headings and bullet points. Detail experience relevant to your current job search. Cite relevant examples of matters worked on. If you are still training or are recently qualified, list the seats you have undertaken and experience gained in each.
- Explain any gaps in the chronology - travel, gap years etc.
- Be honest - you may be asked to explain or justify a detail in your CV.
- Other information - publications, achievements, IT skills, languages, advocacy, business development experience etc. You may also wish to list any relevant non-legal experience.
Contact us to discuss your CV.